March 28, 2012

A guy: I HAVE PERIOD ?!!

Everyone know woman have menstrual cycle. During period, woman will feel anxiety and easy to get angry. But, do you know every month men also have few days “period”? And, we called it manstration. 

“Manstration refers to a monthly hormonal cycle for men. Some men get cranky and bitchy for no reason regularly, just like what women go through in their monthlies (known as menstruation). This is where the term manstration comes from.”

Manstration do not have obvious symptoms like woman having period. But it same with woman’s menstrual cycle, which comes every months. During manstration, man will be abnormal for few days, they will easily get angry, or keep silent without any reason, or feel not interest to anything, even can’t pay attention to their work.

If you are guy, you can drop down 3months of your diary, whether you have happen any few from the list below without any reason:
1. Low patient for working, lags in response, forgetful.
2. No appetite to eat, even favorite foods.
3. Love to be alone. Always does something alone, and always heave a sigh.
4. Absence of mind: switch on TV but not watching it; lost of interest to favorite things, like football, online game, or sexy girls.
5. Easy to get angry by single little things and easy argue with your friends and family.
6. Feel impassive to your lover. Lost interest to your partner.
7. Feel headache, uncomfortable without any reason.
8. Feel sleepy and tired all the times even enough rest.
9. Always feel lonely and easy get depress.
10. Easy get gastric, allergic, body cramp, shoulder pain and so on.
If you found there are few from the list are happen in your diary continuous for few days, then your manstration will on that few days.
So girls, don’t only think period is only yours priority, GUYS also have it! Next time, be more considerate of your partner. Maybe they are in MANSTRATION.

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